In the Indian state of West Bengal’s Darjeeling District, there is a tea garden called Happy Valley Tea Estate. It is the second-oldest tea estate in Darjeeling and was founded in 1854. It occupies 177 hectares (440 acres), is located 3 kilometres (1.9 miles) north of Darjeeling, at a height of 2,100 metres (6,900 feet), and employs more than 1500 people.
At a height of 2,100 metres, the tea estate spans 177 hectares (440 acres) (6,900 ft). The age of the shrubs in the garden ranges from 80 years minimum to 150 years maximum. Replanting hasn’t been carried out very often lately.
This tea estate is the nearest tea estate to Darjeeling town and is situated about 3 km north of town, below Hill Cart Road, reachable by Lochnager Road from Chowk Bazaar. Tourists frequently visit the garden. The busiest time of year is from March to May. when processing and picking are being done. It is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Happy Valley Tea Estate’s hours of operation From Tuesday through Saturday, from 8 am to 4 pm, the Happy Valley Estate in Darjeeling’s tea-producing facility is open to visitors. There is no entrance cost to the facility, however, those who choose to take a tour must tip the tour guide.